Saltash & District Amateur Radio Club (SADARC)

Saltash & District Amateur Radio Club - 2010 AGM

Summary of the 45th Annual General Meeting

DATE: - 5 November 2010

APOLOGIES: - None received

The chairman John Painter opened the meeting by welcoming the Club President Mr John Hooper and the club members. John Hooper had some copies of his book on Capt. Henry Jackson at a special club price of £5.00

MINUTES OF THE 2009 AGM - It was agreed that these were taken as read.

MATTERS ARISING: - The Secretary had asked the BCC if Thursday evening were likely to be available next year, but this was unlikely.

CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: - The chairman commented on the activities of the last year and remarked on the declining membership numbers. The report was agreed by all present.

SECRETARY'S REPORT: - The secretary reported on his contribution during the year. Additional information was provided on the meeting where the Chairman was unable to attend, including the BCC Anniversary demonstration Station. Votes of thanks were given to The Chairman and committee, Colin Squires for the RNARS Subs and the ladies for their support. The report was agreed by the members present.

TREASURER'S REPORT: - The treasurer handed out copies of the Balance Sheet. He commented that the club was in a healthy financial position.
Approval of the accounts was agreed by all present.


Chairman:- John Painter M3YLQ
Secretary:- Brian Giles M0BHG
Treasurer:- Bert Lee G7FTF
Webmaster:- Kevin Hale G0AKH
All elected unopposed.

Committee Members:-
  Ian Dawe G3SPI
  Geoff Markey M0GGM
  Eric Rogers G1OMZ
All elected unopposed

Examiner of Accounts: - Trev Day G3ZYY
Club President: - Mr. John Hooper.

On request John Hooper said he was honoured to continue as Club President. He said he would like to see the club prosper and suggested that the Saltash Town Council Showcase was a good opportunity for publicity, where simple build projects could be demonstrated.

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS:- Agreed to remain unchanged on the Treasurer's recommendation as:-

Full Member £7:50
Junior Member £1.00 (First year free for members under 17)


President's Cup: - (Not Awarded)
Pegasus Cup: - (Not Awarded)

ANY OTHER BUSINESS:- The Chairman proposed that the December meeting should be a Restaurant meal instead of the Mince Pie & Sherry evening. As there was insufficient support for this proposal, it was agreed that we would have the usual informal Mince Pie & Sherry evening and raffle.

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