Saltash & District Amateur Radio Club (SADARC)

Saltash & District Amateur Radio Club - 2005 AGM

Summary of the 41st Annual General Meeting

DATE: - 3rd November 2005

APOLOGIES: - Richard Hill

MINUTES OF THE 2004 AGM - Read by the Secretary, Acceptance proposed Geoff Markey, seconded Richard Sneath, motion agreed unanimously. Signed Bert Lee on behalf of the Chairman and signed by the Secretary.

MATTERS ARISING: - Following the query in calling AGM notice, there was general discussion on the future of the club. The consensus was that the club should continue for another year. Trev Day G3ZYY suggested reducing the frequency of meetings to one a month, this did not gain general support. Trev also noted that since his election to Editor /Webmaster last year he found that Kevin Hale G0AKH has been running an excellent club web site, and he felt that he could not make any significant contribution other than providing digital pictures. He suggested that Kevin be asked to formally take on this post and that he would accept a committee post. Unanimously agreed subject to Kevin's consent.

CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: - John Painter SWL Was unable to give his report as he had been unexpectedly delayed at a hospital appointment. (He has subsequently sent his apologies to the club members.) The meeting agreed to continue in the Chairman's absence.

Good evening everyone. Welcome to the club's AGM once again. Attendance at some meetings has been disappointing, possibly due to our decline in membership and advancing years. As proposed last year there were only one meeting in July and August. A total of 23 meetings were in the programme this year. With four outside events, one of which was cancelled and the Freathy outing ended in a mix up. Thanks Ian and Trish & Trev for representing us in the Quiz with PRC, unfortunately I was away and missed it together with Trev's Capt. Henry Jackson presentation. I have been the secretary for over 10 years now and feel that someone new should take over with dynamic new ideas, as I feel things are getting stale. Do we have a volunteer? We owe a vote of thanks to the Chairman John Painter for his input during the year, also to all the committee together with the members who sponsor the club Licence fees and RNARS subs and all who had help out in other ways, not forgetting the ladies. I felt that the 40th Anniversary Celebration Dinner was a success but would have like to have seen more past and current members present. Likewise the Field Day and Families Day. Our thanks to Trev and the others for all the work that went into setting up the site and tuning the HF vertical antenna. Thankfully there were a few club operators for the club station. Luckily our event coincided with international Lighthouse weekend. Our thanks are also due to Geoff and family for the use on the site and an excellent Bar-be-que in the evening. As noted in the calling notice I think, Mr. Chairman, we need to consider the longer term future of the club in view of the declining number of active members in the club. Thank you.

TREASURER'S REPORT: - The Treasurer Roland Hewett G3XLU handed out copies of the club's balance sheet to those present. He apologised for not being able to attend many meetings due to other commitments and latterly ill health. He reported that the club was in a sound financial position. He then reviewed income and expenditure for the past year. He apologised that he had been unable to have the accounts examined due to time in hospital. Mrs. Beryl Bond has agreed to examine the accounts, having previously done a very through job. Roland said he would like someone else to do the Treasurer's job, but as there were no volunteers he agreed to continue subject to health and circumstances. He asked if there were any questions on the accounts, none were raised.
Approval of the accounts was proposed together with a vote of thanks by Bert Lee, Seconded Trev Day, Agreed unanimously.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS:- (Bert Lee agreed to take the chair at this stage)

Chairman:- John Painter SWL (Elected in his absence)
Secretary & P.R.O.:- Brian Giles M0BHG
Treasurer:- Roland Hewett G3XLU
Webmaster:- Kevin Hale G0KAH (Elected in his absence)
All elected unopposed.

Committee Members:-
  Trev Day G3ZYY
  Geoff Markey M0GGM
  Tim Hanks M0TEH
All elected unopposed

Nominated Examiner: - Mrs Beryl Bond
Club President: - Mr. Bert Lee

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS:- Following discussion the meeting agreed to retain existing rates except Junior (under 18 Years):-

Full Member £7:50
Associate Member £5:00
Junior Member £1.00 (First year free membership)
Family Member £1:00


President's Cup: - Geoff Markey M0GGM
Pegasus Cup: - (Not Awarded) Committee asked to investigate possible suitable achievements

A.O.B (1) Club Equipment Insurance. It was proposed by the Treasurer and the Secretary that the Policy not be renewed. The treasurer said that the cost was now over £70 and rising. Bert Lee was concerned about being held responsible for any loss as he stores most of the equipment. It was agreed that as members storing items took the same care as with their own property they could not reasonably be held responsible for any loss. Trev Day queried the value of the club equipment it was agreed that this was much lower than the minimum sum assured. Brian Giles clarified that the club public liability insurance was now covered by the RSGB subscription (which has been increased this Year). It was proposed Brian Giles Seconded Trev Day and agreed by the meeting not to renew this insurance.
A.O.B. (2) The chairman had suggested that items entered in the constructor's contest be demonstrated operating. It was considered that this could be impractical in some cases. The general view where this was done the item would attract additional points. No formal change agreed.
A.O.B. (3) A member from the floor suggested that the club meeting night could revert to Fridays. This did not receive any significant support. Thursday meetings to continue.

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