The Word Play Page |
Anagram Genius
Take a look at the Anagram Genius Archive too. This lists loads of anagrams created both by hand, and by users of the Anagram Genius software.
Promote Anagram Genius and earn money!!
Crossword Maestro
Promote Crossword Maestro and earn money!!
Crossword Compiler is a crossword making assistant for Windows 95. It can handle blocked and barred type grids, as well as irregular shapes grids. It can automatically fill in all of a grid, or just individual words, and has the facility of a look up clue database. The latest version, version 7.0, will also create interactive crosswords for your web site!
Details of from: Antony Lewis
Anagram Wizard is another anagram creation program for Windows 95. It can cope with a selection of different languages, and is specifically designed to cope with long anagrams.
Details of Anagram Wizard from: Richard Brodie
The International Academy of Anagramming Arts and Sciences (IAAAS) presents the Anagrammy Awards for the best anagrams posted to the alt.anagrams newsgroup each month.
I have been awarded three Anagrammy Awards for finding the following gems:
June 1998 | George Michael = I come, He gargle! |
December 1998 | The Cerne Giant = Hi! An erect gent! |
April 1999 | Eurovision Song Contest = I vote on cretinous songs! |
Here is a list of Anagrams that I have created and posted to the alt.anagrams newsgroup
Check out The Cinema Cometh and Headless Tales sections - hilarious! (and not just because I have entries posted there!)
Here are some more of my entries that were not included:
Stemming from the above, I came up with two other variations:
More Word Play:
The Fun-With-Words site - all sorts of interesting things to do with the English Language: Anagrams, Spoonerisms, Oxymora etc. - The brain games, puzzles and pastimes website.
Janet's Word-play Site - Take a guided tour around Janet's country mansion. Visit each room to see what is on offer and generally have a fun time.
Then, of course, there's Channel 4's Countdown program, with the incomparable Carol Vorderman - required viewing!!