My Rude Anagrams Page

These are anagrams that I have created (most with more than a little help from the Anagram Genius program!) and posted to the alt.anagrams newsgroup

Odd Sounding Newsgroups (What on earth do they discuss??)
alt.acme.exploding.newsgroup 1. Anal-sex completed growing up
2. Grilled cowpats pong - Axe menu!
3. Captured no glowing examples
4. Relaxed, unwelcoming stopgap
5. Exulting ponce rampaged owls
6 - Executes grappling old woman
7. Angel exposing talcum powder
8. Upgrade complex genitals now!
9. Expurgating collapsed women
10. Exceptional plum grew gonads!
alt.arts.murky-pond 1. Park trusty old man (Nudge, nudge, wink, wink!)
2. Stormy adult prank
3. Pardon! Smutty lark!
alt.asshole-factory Aha! Rectally so soft! 1. A brainless exit
2. Labia exerts sin
3. I relax in beasts
alt.centipede 1. Tentacled Pie
2. Decline pet, ta
3. Tend a pet lice
alt.cows.are.nice 1. Sane cow article?
2. Clean irate cows
3. Now eat as circle
4. Nice cat - Low arse!
alt.culture.sardines 1. Ultra-essential crud
2. Lads insult creature
alt.guinea.pig.conspiracy 1. Saucy genitalia cropping!
2. Nice gay pairs copulating!
3. Ruin gigantic apocalypse
alt.hard-drive.lesbian 1. Save brain-dead thrill
2. Virile bald-head rants
3. Enthrals a rabid devil
4. Beaver as add-in thrill!
5. Hinder labial adverts
6. All brain-deads thrive 1. Filthily restless - Stale
2. Artlessly elitist flesh!
3. Title - I flash restlessly
4. Flesh ally - 'Tireless Tits'!
alt.microsheep 1. A chip molester!
2. Emphatic loser
3. Preach to slime
4. Real-time chops
5. I'm other places
6. Stop! I'm a lecher!
7. Polices the ram
Odds and Sods
Chimney Sweep 1. Wimpy 'n' cheese
2. Why! Epic semen
3. Weep - My inches
4. 'E Chew My Penis
5. We shy epic men
Gynaecologist 1. Clit - A soggy one!
2. Agog on clit? - Yes!
3. E's gay - Clit no-go!
Haemorrhoids Oh! Had sore rim!!
In Flagrante Delicto (Caught in the act!) 1. Get rancid fellation
2. Needing clitoral fat
3. Radical, if not gentle!
4. Deficient or gallant
5. Tactile ear fondling
6. End tragic fellation
7. Cite grand fellation
8. Action-filled 'n' great
9. Led fornicating tale
10. Fend clitoral eating
11. Negate clitoral find
12. Ending clitoral fate
13. Attend genial frolic
14. 'It', and a gentle frolic
15. Tragic fellation den
16. Rectal if not aligned
Bedroom Antics Drab once moist (Don't think things are going right!!)
Lloyd Grossman Rolls my gonads!
Masturbation 1. Smut to a brain
2. Trauma on bits
3. Stamina to rub
4. Isn't about arm
5. It's nob trauma
6. Abort nuts aim
7. Anatomist rub
8. Rubs a tit - Moan
Please mail me some kinky anagrams (received as spam) 1. Okay - Spank large semi-senile mamma!
2. Okay - I'm a small, meek, managers' penis
3. I am a geek, so I'm a smelly spanker, man! (received as spam) 1. Whores screw, why maim scum
2. Hey! I'm warm scum who screws!
Object Linking and Embedding 1. Mind-bending elegant dick job (Obviously explains which object is being embedded!!)
2. A mind-bending gentle dick job!
Travelling Salesman 1. Learnt vagina's smell!
2. Smaller vaginal nest
Cunnilingus Nun sluicing
I've just come across someone who has gained the nickname 'Thrush', because he's an irritating cunt!! (Brilliant I thought)
An Irritating Cunt
1. Tart-ruining antic (I suppose it would be)
2. Giant currant in it (Maybe thats what causes it)
3. Truant cigar in tin (One for Clinton and Lewinsky)
Pocket Billiards 1. Bloats idle prick
2. Dipstick or a bell?
English Cricketers
Alec Stewart 1. Rectal sweat
2. Rectal waste
Darren Gough 1. God! Hung rare!
2. Ugh! Red organ!
3. Dug her organ
4. A rugged horn
Dominic Cork Moronic dick
M.A. Butcher 1. Cum breath
2. Bah! Rectum
